1) Thank the blogger that nominated you and link back to their site
2) Post the award's logo on your blog
3) Answer the 10 questions you've been asked
4) Nominate 10 bloggers
5) Set 10 new questions for your nominees

I was nominated by Anna @ Enchanted by YA. She does amazing reviews and i'm really glad she was nominated-she deserves it for her awesome blog!! So thank you sooo much Anna and i wish you a happy new year with tons of new followers, books and whatever else you wish for!!


1) What/what inspired you to start blogging?
I started blogging because i  wanted to share my crazy obsession with fellow readers who actually know what i'm talking about. When i gush about a book to my mom, she just raises her eyebrows and pretends to listen! I love my mom but she just doesn't get books the way we do :) and then one day i thought; why not start a blog? and i looked at my cat and his eyes seemed to say; go on dear, live life! so i went for it!! Actually my cat was half asleep so i just imagined that part :D 
2) Are your family avid readers?
Nope. They read but rarely-mostly recipe books and comics. My best friend tough only reads Harry Potter but when i suggest books to her like the Vampire Academy and so on she just shrugs me off...Two weeks later i get into class and she tells me: "Oh my gosh! I love it love it love it!" This has happened literally more than five times...
3) How many books do you on average read in a month?
I can read as much as twenty but this year i couldn't because of my SC exams:(
4) Where do you read?
That kind of makes me laugh..Everywhere but in the toilet and the shower! I read on the couch, on the bed, in the car, at the table, under my desk in classes, during recess- although it is pretty hard to do so, i have some pretty crazy friends and i always just end up putting my book away cause they're just to funny to ignore!!
5) What do you do if you fall into a reading slump?
Never happened. If only a little bit is left, i'll stay up till two on the next day to finish it. If it's an okay book then i'll put it away and then sleep (and dream of book boyfriends <3!!)
6) What genre do you want to read more from?
YA fantasy romance-can never get enough of that!
7) Do you review every book you read?
Nope not all-sometimes i'm at a real loss at what to say but i review every single book i receive from authors withing a week.
8) How do you rate books?
Emotion. I will never give a book that i hated below two stars..why? because it made me feel something at least!! Boredom however, i cannot rate it. Five star books for me are those that have humor, a little action, suspension, romance and a lot of factors that make me feel a lot of things! A good book, to me, is one that makes you feel the most emotions whether it be hate, anger, jealousy and so on. 
9) What is your favourite quote from a book?
"I think beautiful people, i mean truly beautiful, are those who are quietly unaware of their effect" Daemon Black-Obsidian.
10) What was the last book you gave 5 stars to?
That would be THE SCHOOL FOR GOOD AND EVIL book 1&2 by Soman Chainani

Olivia and Sarah @ brewing up books
Monique @ mo_books
Fari and Kitty @ my little corner for books
Aneca @ raves and reads
Faye, Rashika and Aimee @ the social potato

1. the obvious one, why do you blog?
2.what elements and genres do your favorite books contain?
3. So you're lost at sea, and you have three books. One of them you use to paddle, the other to shield you from the sun and the last to keep in your arms and cherish forever. what are the three books you have and which one will be used for what?
4. Name a book that you couldn't finish and why?
5. Who is your favorite author, the one that you absolutely HAVE to read all the book she/he writes?
6. Your BBF? (best book boyfriend <3)
7. Would you rather be an author, agent, editor or a famous reviewer?
8. What is that one book you'll never let anyone lay a hand on?
9. Do you hate it when publishers change the covers in the middle of a series?
10. Hardcover, Paperback or ebook???

There we go guys! leave me a link afer you've answered the questions :P

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  1. Thanks for accepting the nomination and your kind words :)

  2. Thank you for the nomination:) Following you on bloglovin:D


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